Sarah Aldridge

Product Marketer

Sarah Aldridge

Sarah Aldridge won’t rest until every independent financial planner and advisor knows about Moneytree.

As product marketer, she’s the chief evangelizer for Moneytree, developing strategies to educate consumers about how Moneytree can help them better serve their clients and grow their business. And the good news is that there is plenty of material for her to work with!

Sarah began her career in higher education, specializing in educational technology. She transitioned to product marketing, first with a specialty in healthcare technology.

Sarah uses her passion for user stories to craft messaging and build bridges, connecting technology to people. She earned an undergraduate degree from Ball State University, an MA in communication from Central Michigan University, and holds several professional certifications.

Away from work, Sarah loves to lift weights and run, because she understands that investing in your physical health is just as important as investing in your financial health when it comes to chasing lifelong dreams. She became a Rotarian in 2022 and has enjoyed the camaraderie and all the opportunities to serve her community.