Garrett Planning Network

Moneytree is proud to be
your partner

Moneytree is delighted to partner with Garrett Planning Network. As a result, we would like to offer a 15% discount to all Garrett Planning Network members. The discount will be taken from the current retail price listed on the Moneytree website. The discount is for each license and is good for as long as you are a member in good standing of the Garrett Planning Network.

Garrett Planning Network New User Pricing

Moneytree Plan Retail Annual Price: $1,495 
Garrett Planning Network Annual Price: $1,270.50

Moneytree Advise Retail Annual Price: $695
Garrett Planning Network Annual Price: $590.75


These rates reflect pricing for new users. If you are an existing user of any
of our products, please contact your sales representative by emailing to discuss your renewal rate.  

If you are a user of any of our desktop products (Easy Money, Golden Years, Silver Financial Planning, Total Desktop Planning System), you have the opportunity to upgrade, which will grant you access to many new and useful features. To discuss your options, please contact your sales representative by emailing 

When our next generation Moneytree product is released, we will honor the 15% discount. Pricing for the new product will be announced in summer 2024.


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