Moneytree Insights
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Why we say “Fulfilling Legacies”
You may have noticed that Moneytree has begun using a new tagline in our marketing materials – Fulfilling Legacies. The change reflects our deep respect and admiration for financial planners and advisers and the very personal work you do. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work alongside you, and it is our promise to give you the tools you need to help your clients fulfill their legacies.

The Moneytree and Albridge integration is back!
The Moneytree integration with Albridge has returned under a new name, Pershing X. On March 14, Moneytree released an updated integration that will allow advisors to pull in their client investment data from Pershing X.

Why Moneytree Client and Tax Expert Steven Clark is “Confident in the Numbers”
Moneytree recently interviewed client, Steven Clark, CFP, EA, to learn how the software elevates his tax preparation services and helps differentiate him from other tax professionals in the area.

Preserving Quality of Life for People with Special Needs
Special Needs Map is a tool that helps financial professionals and attorneys to work primarily with parents to forecast the financial requirements of their children with special needs. This valuable resource is now available to users of Moneytree software.

Your client is keen on socially responsible investing. Here’s how you can help.
The past year has ushered in a resurgence of societal awareness. Public calls for greater racial, gender and economic equality have gained momentum in the

Could Subscription-Based Financial Planning be the Best Solution for Advisors Moving Forward?
What are the main benefits of a subscription-based financial planning pricing structure? Why would advisors consider it?