Moneytree Merit – Why are we doing this?

Not long ago, someone asked me why Moneytree decided to launch Merit. There are multiple levels to my answer. On a philosophical level, our company purpose statement is that we are here to “Make great things happen for other people.” That includes helping you build your clients’ investment portfolios with the best personalized chance of […]

Garrett Planning Network and Moneytree — a partnership based on shared values

Sheryl Garret

Values matter at Moneytree. We don’t just jump into business with anyone. We look for partners who believe in a greater good and are passionate about lifting up others. That’s why we are proud to have sponsored the Garrett Planning Network’s Advisor Retreat, Oct. 17-18, in Louisville, Kentucky. Founded in 2000, the Garrett Planning Network […]

The Charles Schwab integration is up and running

Charles Schwab photo

If you use Schwab Advisor Center® to manage your client portfolios and Moneytree Plan to build your plans, you can connect the two platforms now and import information. That’s because Moneytree is now a participant in Schwab Advisor Services’™ third-party integration program  — our biggest integration to date.  This participation began in 2022, and Moneytree […]

Moneytree earns top value rating in latest Kitces Report

A graphic showing Moneytree's rankings in the most recent Kitces report

Moneytree is a “Rising Star” among financial planning software providers and holds the highest value among the top four market leaders. That’s the takeaway from the 2023 AdvisorTech Study by the Kitces Report, released this August. The study, based on advisor feedback, awards Moneytree a value rating of 9.2 out of 10, which is higher […]

Why Moneytree Software’s Monte Carlo tool is the industry leader

While most our competitors top out at 1,000 simulation trials in their Monte Carlo, Moneytree runs 10,000. That means that clients can have even more confidence in their retirement, knowing that the plan you created for them has been stress-tested against 10,000 scenarios.

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface.  With APIs, any two pieces of software can share data and work together, and they can do it all in one location in a manner that is seamless, safe, and secure. 
Without APIs, a software program is cut off from other software programs, working in a silo. The only way to get information from one system to another is through manual entry or using inefficient, unreliable, old-school file transfer protocols (FTPs).  

Why we say “Fulfilling Legacies”

A picture of grandparents with their grandson.

You may have noticed that Moneytree has begun using a new tagline in our marketing materials – Fulfilling Legacies. The change reflects our deep respect and admiration for financial planners and advisers and the very personal work you do. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work alongside you, and it is our promise to give you the tools you need to help your clients fulfill their legacies.