3 ways to build credibility with the new Moneytree

Ethos. Gravitas. Whatever word you want to use, the point is, clients trust you when they believe you are credible.  

You know what you are doing, and the new Moneytree provides tools to help you showcase that. Here are three ways you can build credibility using the new Moneytree.   

1. You can easily answer “Where did you get these numbers?”

Moneytree’s reports provide an audit trail. You can check your facts, making sure you don’t have any data input mistakes, and answer hard questions from clients when they want to know how you got your figures.

2. You can show clients their financial futures in different scenarios.

Clients trust you when you show them possible ramifications of their choices. With Moneytree’s What-If tool, you can show side-by-side comparisons of their choices. When clients are empowered to choose because you have carefully presented the facts, they know you are looking out for their best interest.  

3. You know the probability of your projections coming to fruition. 

Our Monte Carlo is best-in-class. While most of our competitors top out at 1,000 simulation trials in their Monte Carlo, Moneytree runs 10,000. That means that clients can have even more confidence in their retirement, knowing that the plan you created for them has been stress-tested against 10,000 scenarios. 

What’s the big deal? 

Simple human psychology is the best reason to build your credibility. People are loyal to advisors they trust.  

So retain your clients by building a trusted relationship with them. The first step is to prove your credibility. 

And new Moneytree can help you do just that.  


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Kyle Bean

Getting to know Kyle Bean

If you work in a behind-the-scenes position, you can appreciate Kyle Bean, Moneytree’s Client Support Manager. The reason is that what motivates Kyle — a former athletic trainer — is