Get Started on 2021 Now

On our webinar for Advisors (October 1), Paul Kingsman shared some great, effective language advisors can use to build their businesses. Now, Paul will be a guest contributor to our blog for the rest of this month. Today he’s giving us a helpful tip to make the most of next year, starting now.
Two Ways to Implement Reverse Mortgages in Moneytree Plan Projections
There are two methods to implement a reverse mortgage in Moneytree Plan.
Converting an IRA to Roth IRA in Moneytree Plan
Converting an IRA to a Roth IRA is simple, thanks to Moneytree Plan’s highly flexible planning data.
What’s New with Moneytree

Moneytree Software releases Moneytree Advise and Moneytree Plan, formerly known as Silver Online and TOTAL Online. Learn more about these updates and more.
Feature Focus: Using the Client Access Portal in Moneytree Plan

Learn how Client Access works with Moneytree Plan. Advisors and clients can share documents, tools, and comments to collaborate on a financial plan.
Feature Focus: Using What-If in Moneytree Plan Client Access

Learn how the Simple and Advanced versions of the What-If tool works in Moneytree Plan in Client Access Portal.
Feature Focus: Using DocVault in Moneytree Client Access Portals

Learn how the DocVault works in Moneytree Advise and Moneytree Plan. Get a walkthrough on setting up your clients.
Money Tree is now Moneytree, and a whole lot more!

Announcing some big changes at Moneytree and a product release on September 1, 2020!
State Income Taxes Updates for 2020

Tax Rates as Entered in TOTAL Online:
CARES Act Updates Out Now
Changes for the CARES Act have now been released for all programs. The CARES Act was passed in March 2020 to help relieve financial burdens caused by the coronavirus. Among the various elements of the act, there are a handful of changes that affect taxes and required distributions from retirement accounts. Most of these changes […]